Assembly3 LockMover/pl

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Assembly3 LockMover

Menu location
Assembly3 → Lock mover
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Lock mover command is a toggle that prevents parts from being moved if they are fixed with a Locked constraint.

When activated, none of the mover commands Move part, Axial move, or Quick move can be selected as long as the current selection contains a fixed object. This seems not to apply to 2D geometry (see Notes).


  1. Activate the Lock mover command using one of the following:
    • The Lock mover button.
    • The Assembly3 → Lock mover menu option.


Selected 2D geometry, such as Draft lines, arcs, and circles, fixed with the Locked constraint does not deactivate the mover tools. While circles and arcs still keep their position when a mover is applied to them, lines can be relocated and tilted.